Mandate options

Choose between:

An exclusive Segregated Account – Client-defined investment policy delivered by Sparinvest. Client has choice of custodian and option of delegating administration to Sparinvest. A sliding scale of charges applies.

A Specialised Investment Fund – Client-defined investment policy but no guaranteed exclusivity. Access to Sparinvest’s pooling structure means asset allocation is built cost-effectively. RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. is custodian and administration is by Sparinvest. A sliding scale of charges applies.

Investment fund options

Sparinvest investment funds provide another way to access our strategies. All funds comply with UCITS IV legislation and have demonstrable track records. Choose between:

  • ‘I’ Share Class in any of the available currency classes. This is the easiest and fastest option to set up.
  • ‘R’ Share Class in any of the available currency classes. In some of our funds we only offer ‘R’ Share Classes which are intended for retail investors but also available for institutional investors.
  • ‘X’ Share Class in any of the available currency classes. This permits product ‘white labelling’, giving the dual reassurance of Sparinvest’s investment management expertise and the client’s tailoring.

The following options apply to the abovementioned investment vehicles:

Tax options

Choose from distributing or accumulating

Currency options

Please contact us to discuss

SRI options

Choose from:

  • Investing responsibly with strategies that are compliant with the principles of UN PRI. Here the focus for Sparinvest is on fulfilling our fiduciary duty with ESG factors integrated in the investment process as an extra tier of risk management.
  • Investing ethically (Based on our responsibly-invested strategies but with an extra ethical filter that can be based on client’s chosen exclusion criteria)

Custody options

Choose from:

  • Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat (our usual custodian)
  • Your preferred custodian