Sustainable financial disclosure regulation

Sparinvest is committed to promoting a sustainable development in society by integrating sustainability considerations into its investment processes, for example by selecting companies whose products support the green transition or by excluding companies that are involved in the production of controversial weapons.

Sustainable Investment Policy

All investment products offered by Sparinvest comply with Sparinvest's Sustainable Investment Policy.

Remuneration Policy

Sparinvest's Sustainable Investment Policy also refers to Sparinvest's Remuneration Policy.


The prospectuses applying to our investment products contain disclosures about the environmental and social characteristics of each financial product.

Principal Adverse Impact Statement

Statement on how we handle the principle adverse impacts of our investments.

Methodology on sustainable investments

Our methodology on sustainable investments and processes for implementation of the policy and due diligence on data.

Investment products offered by Sparinvest are screened on a quarterly basis for breaches of international norms or breaches of Sparinvest's investment guidelines or Sparinvest's Sustainable Investment Policy. The climate impact of the portfolios is determined on an annual basis.

Annual reports are prepared for all investment products offered by Sparinvest, containing sustainability disclosures that are expanded as more data become available and concurrently with the implementation of the disclosure requirements of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. 

Furthermore, Sparinvest reports annually on its sustainable investment activities to UNPRI. The Sparinvest Group's annual sustainability reporting provides an account of the sustainability of investing activities and the management of sustainability risks.

Sparinvest's report on corporate responsibility and its UNPRI reporting are available here.

Sparinvest collaborates with recognised service providers on sustainability data, including environmental and social data for the purpose of assessing, measuring and monitoring social and environmental characteristics and impacts. The service providers assist Sparinvest with respect to proxy voting and provide research about voting issues. We collaborate with eg:

  • MSCI ESG Research
  • ISS Proxy Voting
  • Sustainalytics for engagement
  • ISS-Ethix for engagement and research

In addition, for some of our investment products we apply ESG-related reference or shadow benchmarks, eg MSCI Paris Aligned Benchmark or Barclays MSCI Green Bonds Index. In some of these cases the benchmark providers commit to supplying ESG disclosures. Sparinvest regularly performs due diligence of the quality of the data and research received from external providers.