Group description

Founded in Denmark in 1968, now known internationally as experts in value investment.

Sparinvest Holdings SE (Parent company)

The Sparinvest Group originally conducted its business in Denmark only, but in 2001, it set up a subsidiary in Luxembourg which, in addition to managing the Luxembourg-domiciled investment funds, provided a marketing platform for large parts of the EU. Since the Group’s expansion going forward will primarily be based on the activities and the organisation in Luxembourg, Sparinvest Holding A/S was converted into Sparinvest Holdings SE, a European public limited company (SE) at the end of June 2011 and moved to Luxembourg, in support of those plans.

Sparinvest S.A.

Sparinvest S.A. is domiciled in Luxembourg and is approved as a UCITS IV compliant management company by the Luxembourg FSA, CSSF. The company handles the administration of the Luxembourg-domiciled UCITS and AIF funds. Furthermore, the company is responsible for the Group’s international distribution in addition to providing asset management and advisory services to professional investors. Apart from its domicile in Luxembourg, Sparinvest S.A. also has local representation offices in Paris and Stockholm. Sparinvest S.A. has marketing authorisation for the distribution of products from the regulatory authorities in: Belgium, Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), England, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Germany and Austria.

Sparinvest S.A. has delegated certain tasks to trusted third parties from whom regular reporting is required. Spuerkeess is appointed Depositary Bank and Paying Agent. Under its responsibility for the Central Administration, Spuerkeess has delegated certain tasks (Registrar and Transfer Agent, Net Asset Value Calculation and Fund Accounting) to European Fund Administration (EFA).

ID-Sparinvest, Filial af Sparinvest S.A., Luxembourg (country branch)

The Danish branch of Sparinvest S.A. - ID-Sparinvest, Filial af Sparinvest S.A., Luxembourg - is domiciled in Denmark and is approved as a branch of a UCITS IV compliant Management Company and Alternative Investment Fund Manager by the Danish FSA, Finanstilsynet. The branch handles the management and the administration of the Danish-domiciled UCITS and AIFs for professional investors. Furthermore, the branch is responsible for the Group’s Danish distribution in addition to providing asset management and advisory services to professional investors.

Board of directors, Sparinvest Holdings SE

Michael Rasmussen

Chairman and CEO of Nykredit

Jan Skov

Dep. Chairman and Director of Sparekassen Danmark

Jan Pedersen

CEO of Danske Andelskassers Bank

Klaus Skjødt

CEO af Sparekassen Kronjylland

David Sander Hjortsø

Deputy Director at Nykredit, Wealth Legal & Tax

Pernille Sindby

Group Managing Director at Nykredit, Head of Nykredit Wealth Management

Henrik Rasmussen

Regional Director of Nykredit

Frank Mortensen

Dep. CEO of Arbejdernes Landsbank

Executive Management

Jørgen Søgaard-Andersen

Group CEO