Get in contact

Sparinvests European headquarter is based in the center of the city of Luxembourg. The office has 20 employees and serves the many financial institutions in Luxembourg. It is also the base for our business in a string of European countries outside Denmark except France where we have a local office.

Mikkel Strørup

Regional Director
UK / Switzerland / Germany / Austria / Luxembourg & other
+352 26 27 47 28

Benoît Schouler

Regional Director
France / Belgium / Switzerland / Netherlands
+352 26 27 47 41

Christian Bache Vognbjerg

Head of Institutional Clients
Denmark / Sweden / Norway / Finland / Iceland
+45 25 60 70 37

Kim Fahnøe Lynggaard

Regional director
Germany / Austria
+ 45 44 55 34 85

Luxembourg office

Sparinvest S.A.
28, Boulevard Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg
Phone: +352 26 27 47 1
Fax: +352 26 27 47 99

France office

Sparinvest S.A.
Bureau de Représentation France
Centre Regus Tour CB21
16, place de l’Iris
F-92400 Courbevoie
Phone: +352 26 27 47 41

Danish office, Copenhagen

ID-Sparinvest Branch af Sparinvest S.A., Luxembourg
Under Krystallen 1
DK-1780 København V
Phone: +45 36 34 75 00

Danish office, Randers

ID-Sparinvest Branch af Sparinvest S.A., Luxembourg
Østervold 47
DK-8900 Randers C
Phone: + 45 36 34 74 00
Fax: + 45 36 34 74 99

PR contact

Any members of the media needing further information or wishing to arrange an interview with Sparinvest on a particular topic, should in the first instance please contact:


Orhan Gökcen
Head of Press
Phone: +45 31 21 06 39

Peter Klaaborg
Senior Consultant
Phone: +45 20 56 07 06

Complaints procedure

If you are not satisfied with the information or treatment, etc., you receive from us, please let us know. You can read about our complaints procedure here and more about who to contact and how.